Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Monthly Dinner Ride

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Join us every 2nd Thursday for our Monthly Dinner Ride. Meet at Grizzly HD at 5:00pm. A Chapter Board Member will select the location and lead the ride.

Mystery Ride – New This Season!

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

New this year is one of two mystery rides. Join us and find out where this adventure will lead you! KSU at 9:30am. For additional details, please contact the Chapter Director.

Roundup (Member’s Meeting)

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Please join us for our monthly Roundup (member's meeting)

Road Captain Training

Grizzly Harley Davidson 5106 East Harrier Dr., Missoula, MT, United States

Interested in leading rides this season? Join Vince Gavin, Head Road Captain and Mark Snyder, Safety Officer will lead the group in this training. The training is right after Round Up and starts at 11:00am. Vince and Mark will lead a ride to Big Fork after the training is completed.